What would you do to save this world?
Have you the determination and skills required to join the research team for the Wachusett Expedition?
The Wachusett Expedition is a joint scientific and spiritual expedition whose goal is to recover lost geophysical and geomantic expertise. We are looking for a group of three people who ideally are both spiritually or psychically gifted and scientifically minded. One man is to act as apprentice to learn my ancestral role which is one of sky father and could be called a magician, shaman or prophet. For balance two women play the role of earth mother and they should ideally have the magic touch of the fairy godmother to bring spiritual and emotional nourishment under difficult conditions. Ideally two of the team should be in their twenties
So you must be life affirming, pure at heart, love the truth no matter how distasteful that may be and never ever give up. All the crew need to be team players with enquiring minds and will put the goal of saving the human race before feeding their own egos. Below is a short description of the key roles. Do you have some of these key skills? If so join up. The team is led and directed by an accomplished scientist and geomancer who is fulfilling a well known ancestral role.
Examples of Desired Spiritual Skills
- Telepathy, Precognition, Healing, Exorcism
- Shamanism, Natural Magic, Animal Empathy
- Dream Interpretation, Psychic Experiences, Luck
Examples of Desired Worldly Skills
- Medical Doctor – useful in establishing good relations with local people
- Geology, Earth Science, Oceanography, Mathematics, Astronomy
- Meteorology, Magnetohydrodynamics, Atmospherics
- Anthropology, Mythology, Folklore, Archeology, Structural Engineering in Stone
- Singing, Dancing, Playing a musical instrument
- Sailing, Cultural Etiquette, Organising social events, Social Networking – online and offline

Yachtmaster Expertise
You are an easy going, calm, clear headed, capable, all-weather sailor. You are a wizard at effecting engine repairs or other boat system repairs and can do so, if necessary while at sea. You are a skilled navigator with experience of ocean crossings and a cheerful team player who gets the best out of the crew. You are keen to discover the elusive phantom reef.

Anthropologist / Storyteller
You have a love for joining in with social gatherings in all cultures. You know how to make friends with either a Prince or a Pauper. You can speak French and Spanish as well as English and can sing beautifully. You have some knowledge of South Pacific myths and legends including giants and the bird god. You are good at telling stories and have good social media skills.

Apprentice Geomancer
You have a deep desire to make the world a better place by utilising natural forces in a positive life affirming way. You are willing to commit to accepting the Master <==> Apprentice style of learning as this kind of knowledge can be only be learned experientially from another. You have a deep interest in Geophysics and Astrophysics and mankind’s place in the Universe. You have had some psychic experiences but you do not follow any specific mystical doctrine. You know that God is real.

Research Geophysicist
You are a highly skilled geophysicist who preferably specialises in the atmospheric side. You understand the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth’s magnetic field. You have some practical knowledge of instrumentation to measure magnetic and electrical field strengths and have ideas on how to collect the data from a ship at sea. You have a broad inquisitive mind and are willing to learn knowledge from other disciplines such as Astrophysics and General Relativity.
expedition Mission
REdiscovering An old Science
Our team aims to rediscover the old Earth science that was used by our ancestors 200,000 years or more ago and then cautiously use it to repair the damage that has occurred in recent years.
Expedition Goal
The main goal of the Wachusett Expedition is to find the elusive Wachusett Reef which is one of a cluster of “phantom reefs”. Wachusett Reef was discovered and reported in 1899 by Captain Lambert of the whaling ship Wachusett at 32°18′S 151°08′W.

Recent attempts to find the reef have failed but Wachusett is just one in a group of phantom reefs. If we find a reef in the vicinity it will be quite an achievement and one for the books. Wachusett Reef is at the centre point of the Earth’s oceans and far from land. Large modern ships filled with oceanography equipment have failed to find Wachusett but we have a more advanced method of event location. The reefs appearance should be regarded as a spacetime event rather than going to a geographic location.
Lat. | Long. | Name | Comment |
32° 18′ S | 151° 08′ W | Wachusett Reef | 1899 – Coral covered , 6 fathoms deep |
35° 12′ S | 150° 40′ W | Ernest Legouve Reef | 1902 – Clue “mysterious Island” of Jules Verne? |
36° 37′ S | 150° 15′ W | Jupiter Breakers | 1878 – Breakers half mile apart |
37° 00′ S | 151° 13′ W | Marie-Theresa Rocks | 1843 – Saw Breakers |
We can conclude that there was something resembling a reef in the area for some considerable time. The position variation is greatest in Latitude and this could possibly be due to some atmospheric refractive phenomenon.

SCIentific and Cultural Mission
We believe that many ordinary people can interact with the planetary control mechanisms of the Earth in different ways which include altering the weather, increasing the food supply and avoiding natural calamities. The Megalithic Earth Grid was set up to make these wholesome benefits easier to obtain. We have experimentally investigated some of these minor geomantic tasks with success and our findings match traditional myths and stories that also confirm these practical uses of Geomancy.
In a series of experiments performed in England in 2020 we proved that certain types of these interactions are repeatable. This mission is to learn how to regulate our world safely and maintain the Earth Grid correctly for the benefit of all.
Interested, Read On ?
Do you have the patience and courage required to battle the elements and voyage to the most remote place in the world? Can you see how your temporary discomfort could be rewarded with the knowledge that you have helped humanity take one tiny baby step in the right direction?
We approach finding practical solutions to the complex geophysical systems of the Earth in a cautious empirical and experimental way that keeps ethics and morals in mind. Our methodology is unlike any other currently in vogue.
This is a serious question and you will need to read the rest of this website to understand what contribution you can make and to reflect on the pros and cons before making a decision.